A project of any significant size is most probably going to need more than a single step to complete. Anything the least bit complicated requires preparation, know-how and perseverance through several steps during a period of time. All that is also true about anything like choosing to build a green garden. Building a green garden just isn't a single step project either. But here's how to reach that goal in five simple steps.
Step 1. Prepare the site. This is important because without a properly prepared site, you will have a much more difficult time killing weeds that grow from underneath. In the event you skip or ignore this step, weeds can get a foot hold on your garden, and you will have a constant uphill battle with them.
Step 2. Compost everything. This step can be skipped, but I wouldn't recommend it. You will save a lot of money using a compost pile as your fertilizer instead of going and getting chemicals from the nearest super market.
Step 3. Know your growing seasons. What you need to know is specifically when you should plant your produce. Furthermore, it's to know when you should start your harvest.
Step 4. Water per guide. To elaborate on that a little bit, 90% of seed packets (vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc) will come with a growing guide that helps you properly care for your produce. While you don't have to be scientific, approximately correct measurements are key. Too much water, and like us, your plants will drown; too little, and they die of thirst.
Step 5. Harvest Time. Within 5-10 weeks most small fruits and vegetables will ripen and ready themselves for picking.
In the end, when you have stuck with the above tips all the way, you should have succeeded and now can settle-back and enjoy the benefits of your green garden.
For those who didn't keep to the 5 step tips above, shame on you! You must have decided that building a green garden just wasn't worth the effort.
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